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tv   News  ABC  November 5, 2012 6:30am-7:00am EST

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loren cook. a few accidents, trouble in north baltimore, a crash on charles street, northern parkway, baltimore, an accident in middle river, on pulaski at martin boulevard. if you are using 95, as we look in east baltimore, eastern avenue, everything moving along as we check in with look at 695, parkville, no delays as you head up towards towson. pulling up drive times, notice the west side of the beltway, no delays, 12 minutes on the outer loop, 795 to 95,. democracy 2012 coverage, time is running out. >> election day is tomorrow, president barack obama and mitt romney spending last few hours and days making final pitches to voters. more than half a dozen states barn storming since friday night. they are going to the critical ones, all eyes are on ohio, it's posed to be a state where
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it could determine everything. the news this morning is coming out of chicago, that's where we find tj winnick with the live team coverage. election day may not be until tomorrow. 27million americans have cast they vote. a sign hof close the obama cane pain believes this could be, the president appeared in new hampshire, which has 4e electoral votes. >> we are no longer relevant now. we are props. what has happened is now, the campaign falls on the 25 year old kids, out there knocking on doors and making phone calls. >> joined by bill clinton, who mocked mitt romney's pitch. >> don't pay attention to what our solutions are, be disappointed, look at me , i look like a president and talk
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like one. i'm telling you it's going to be all right if you elect me. >> they crisscrossed the battleground states. romney 14 stops. president obama 14 stops in 8 state. both claim victory is within reach. >> he is hoping we will settle. americans don't settle. we build, we aspire. we dream. we can do better. >> romney is even making a play for traditionally democratic pennsylvania. candidates and running mates made stops in the critical battleground state of ohio, that along with iowa and wisconsin are expected to decide the race. if president obama can win these three, on top of the solid sates, he will have 271 votes needed to win. even if romney sweeps the rest of the battleground states. >> according to the latest abc news washington post poll, this
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presidential race is virtually deadlocked with the president holding a 49-48% lead over mitt romney, among likely voters. we are tackling a numb of issues concerning our state. one is question 6, has to do with same-sex marriage, a referendum. sherrie johnson is life with more to explain. >> we are here live in federal hill, this morning, 11:00, governor martin o'malley will be here to endorse question number six. it deals with same-sex marriage, there have been controversy over the question for the past several months, with clergy speaking out against it, when governor o'malley signed the marriage protection act in march, the laws affective date was pushed to january, gave opponents time to petition the question. a vote for the law would allow it to go in to effect and
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pemitt committed same sex couples to get married and make mailed the 7th state in addition to the district of columbia to approve marriage equality. this law wouldn't force jerry to perform ceremonies in violation of religious beliefs or religious organizations be required to participate in the ceremonies if they objected. marylanders will head to the polls to make voices known. we are working for you, read up on the ballot questions and watch interviews of candidates, two year old is dead after a horrible tragedy at the pittsburgh zoo. his mother picked him up and put him on top of the railing and he was mauled by a dozen african dogs. he lost his father two days
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before a game. >> we will tell you what one team member did to help boost a teammates spirit and honor his father in a special way.
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maryland, it's time. time for marriage equality. question 6 strengthens protections for our churches and guarantees the civil right to commit to the one you love. while there are those trying to divide us, presidents obama and clinton stand with us. pastors, business leaders, newspapers, democrats and republicans are all coming together for question 6. because it's about fairness-- treating everyone equal under the law. and who could be against that? it's time to free ourselves from the smell and harshness of bleach. and free ourselves from worrying about the ones we love. new lysol power & free has more cleaning power than bleach. how? the secret is the hydrogen peroxide formula. it attacks tough stains and kills 99.9% of germs. new lysol power & free.
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powerful cleaning that's family friendly. another step forward in our mission for health. so, maybe you're trying to fiwell, let me give it a shot. if you're ok with marylanders spending five hundred and... fifty million a year gaming in other states, fair enough. but if you think we should keep that money here... add twelve thousand jobs, and generate millions for schools... well you should probably vote for question seven. because if it doesn't pass, all of this goes away. that's why the post called seven, common sense. but decide for yourself.
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good morning to you. amazing story of team spirit, that's going to touch you.
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>> ron cleburne introduces us to a high school football hero who gave up scoring a easy touchdown to help out a fellow player. michael, used to making big plays on the football field. the 17 year old running back committed to playing football for the university of michigan after his team wrapped up an un defeated season this year. maintaining a 4.0 gpa. this play in an early october game, he stepped out of bounds, one yard shy of a touchdown, that has many calling burn as hero. >> being able to make it happen was more important than some. >> the coach planned for the are up out of bounds, that the big score and boosted spirits could go to logan thompson, whose father died two days earlier after suffering a stroke. >> he meant the world to me at
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the time. it made me forget the bad things. >> had insisted despite his father's death, to suit up for the game. furns and his teammates conspired to give the 15 year old a special way to honor his dead. >> my father and i would toss the ball in the backyard. >> after telling him to stop short, the coach sent thompson in to the game, his first start as a varsity running back and a few moments later, he stored his first touchdown. >> we got together, to honor logan and his father, we never jumped in to the locker room. quite a story. >> $0.21 doesn't seem like a lot. >> however, when we are talking about gas, every penny counts. gas prices are down but for how long. football and politics, one day
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before e the election it's time to pull out the stops. monday night football turns in to tuesday morning election.
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it's oysternomics 101. you start with a u.s. senator named ben. by helping restore thousands of acres of oyster beds,
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he kept hundreds of oystermen on the job... which keeps wholesalers in business... and that means more delivery companies... making deliveries to more restaurants... which hire more workers.oys. it's like he's out here with us. he's my friend, ben. i hope he's your friend, too. i'm ben cardin, and i approved this message.
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a check of the forecast, good morning, to meteorologist, lynette charles. >> good morning, it's cold outside, you have your big coats this morning, everybody needs the coats as we check out davidsonville's temperature at 39 degrees now. we have the winds out of the north at 8 miles an hour, a windchill, is in effect as well. the 39 feeling like we are in the low 30s. 39 degrees in stevensville, we will do it again there. same with the winds, north at 7 miles an hour. also in chestertown , the temperature at 40 degrees now. in to the afternoon, temperatures will get warmer, we are going to stay chilly as we head throughout the day, in
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well below average. we look at maryland's most powerful radar, we are dry, we are scanning the skies, trying to find something but not going to find wet weather for today. this trend will linger as we go in to tomorrow. today will be a great day to still do the clean up, and also tomorrow, get out and make sure you cast your vote. we will be begin to see change in the forecast, especially as we go in to wednesday and also thursday. i'm talking about a nor'easter, that's going to work up along the coast, bringing us rain, winds, beach erosion, and also some very chilly temperatures. that's what we will be seeing today. at 8:00, temperatures cold, around 40 degrees, by lunchtime, at 48 degrees, good news is, we will get sunshine in here as we go throughout the day. cloudy this morning, we will see the sun breaking through in to the afternoon. 3:00, temperature coming in at 50, that's the high temperature for today, we should be at 61 degrees for this time of the
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year, under mainly clear skies, the temperatures will begin to fall like a rock as we go in to 7:00 and beyond. >> people going to be cranking the heat today. bundle up as you head out. a crab in middle river, pulaski highway. if you are using 95s white marsh, no delays, 16 minutes now, to travel southbound from 695, all the way in to the city, 83 in great shape, no delays on the jfx. 11 minutes k traveling southbound from 695, all the way down to fayette street. as we look at 695, here in parkville, harford road, outer loop, jamming, that will remain slow as you make the drive towards providence road. west side, things starting to pick up at liberty, taking you ten minutes. traveling the outer loop, 795, to 70, that's look at the time saver traffic, over to you.
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>> hard to believe one week ago we were bracing for the impact of super storm sandy. >> the storm is gone but the damage isn't going anywhere, emergency workers from maryland are making a drive to new jersey to do all they can. >> linda so is live with more on how local ems crews are pitching in with a relief efforts. >> they left an hour ago, from the fire department, arundel county, a short briefing this morning, before they hit the road at 5:45, they should be getting to newark, new jersey by 9:00. the 12 ems personnel are going there to help with local ems crews and resources, they will be helping coordinate resources that are there now to help are hurricane relief, joining other maryland responders who have been providing help to hard hit areas. a team of 50 doctors, nurses and paramedics left for new york, to help in medical shelters and hospitals, some working in er departments,
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others in mobile hospitals set up to care for patients. >> one of the things we have heard that's shocking to me is that the folks on the ground say this is the most incredible event they have seen since 9/11, there is unparallel december makes going -- >> they are prepared to stay. abc is helping the victims and asking you to pitch in, too. designated today as a day of giving throughout the day's programming, you will be encouraged to make a donation. all you have to do is next abc to the number, 90999, you will make a donation of $10. call 800 help now, to make a pledge. they of giving starts at the beginning of good morning america in 10 minutes.
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democracy 2012, the 4 hours away from election day. heading to the polls. >> one is question four , the dream act, sherrie johnson is live with more to explain. >> we are here in federal hill, 24 hours, folks will head to the election. question number four, the dream act. the question that would give undocumented students brought in to the country an educated at maryland high school to continue their education by making them eligible for in state tuition rates at state universities. only after having established a history of filing tax returns, studying at a community college, and academically earning admission to a four year college would a undocumented student be afforded tuition.
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they would not compete were college slots with other qualified maryland resident students. this question four is going to with one of the questions on the ballot. head to the polls for election day to make you voices heard. sherrie johnson, abc2 news. football is getting political, president barack obama and governor mitt romney, are taping interviews today that will air tonight during football. both running during halftime. a violent weekend in baltimore, police are investigating five shootings, two of which were deadly. this is video from north lakewood, a 30-year-old man died saturday, the second deadly shooting on len worth on saturday. >> a man known as clark rockefeller, he is facing charges for the 85 disappearance and death of his landlord. the amount you are spending to fill up your gas tank is decreasing. the average for a gallon of
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regular, $3.55, down $0.21. the falling prices are a combination of sandy cutting in to demands and crude oil clienting. kyle ripken is hosting a fundraiser, coaches from universities will be there, giving tips to those taking part. all proceeds go to the foundation's youth program. it's easier to get around in maryland after sandy dumped 2-3 feet of snow. the garrett county sheriff, 95% of the state and county roads are now open. 5400 people are still without power. >> northeast, recovery from hurricane sandy continues. >> the storm has killed 107 people. a million and a half homes and businesses are in the dark. a week since sandy hit. for those suffering in the cold, this feels like an eternity. >> you have no idea how hard it is to go through all of our
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christmas items, all pictures of the kids, when they graduations, confirmations and all of that, it's hard. >> getting aroundhúdjpstill a struggle, endless lines of people waiting for gas, schools re-open in new york, more than 1 million students will put an added strain on mass transit. the people are bracing for more severe weather. >> it was in the 30s throughout the weekend, especially in the early morning hours. >> we are doing this all over this morning. people need to bundle up. another storm that will be moving in, in to wednesday. back here, across the west, this will dip down across the southeast, gather some of that gulf of mexico moisture and pull it up a along the coast, we will have our classic nor'easter moving in wednesday, also in to thursday, what are we talking about? snow. talking about rain, flooding, with all the rain we will be
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receiving and windy conditions as well. as we look at now, things aren't bad as we zoom in closer to home, we have clouds around, these will begin to move out of here as we go in to the morning hours and especially by the afternoon, i'm going to call it a sun cloud mix through the remainder of today. before you step out the door, make sure you are equipped and need to be equipped warm coats, a big coat, because the temperature in westminster, 35 degrees, these temperatures are below average, they will stay that way, in to the afternoon. good morning, catonsville, 37 degrees, annapolis 39 degrees this morning. more of the same in chester town, northeast at 36 degrees, denton at 38 degrees this morning. you thinks it's not too bad. i will throw in wind. we have a windchill, those upper 30s are feeling like the low 30s this morning, and some spots the upper 20s is what it is feeling like. gaithersburg wind sustained at
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13 and 12 in chantilly. this is what we are talking about with the nor'easter threat. we will have the system along the coast, again, bringing the snow, the wind, across the area, and some of the snow could get in to town, in to baltimore, we are going to have to keep our eyes peeled for. that we are watching the system, the models, gps takes it further out and to the atlantic, the european model, the one so good with sandy, brings it closer to the coast, with that, it's a colder model, we will be dealing with the snow potential, 50 degrees today. here is a check of the seven- day forecast for you. as we bring warmer temperatures in here, as we head in to the weekend. let's get a check of the time saver traffic with loren cook. >> good morning, we are off to a chilly start, unfortunately, dealing with several accidence, a crab in howard county, in lorel and washington, whiskey bottom road, troubles persist in baltimore, dealing with an accident in middle river on
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pulaski at martin boulevard. if you are traveling 95, white marsh, no problems to report, 16 minutes now, to travel southbound from the beltway, all the way in to the city, as we check in and look at 695, here in parkville, inner loop, nice and clear towards 95, that outer loop is slow towards providence. you are looking at liberty road, 1 minutes, travel the outer loop from 795 down to 70. not bad on the beltway this morning. >> late night host jimmy kimmel is auctioning off his desk. head to the charity, right now torsion put in your -- right now to put in your bid.
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in the red skins lose and prior to the election , the challenger will win. if the skins win, the incumbent will hold off. the exception was in 2004, when the skins lost, siting john kerry to be the probable winner. in the world series, a totally different rule, if we go by that, obama wins. maybe you should vote. let us know what you think on facebook. we are curious to see what you think.
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